- Data Reseller Plan - Terms of Service
- Data Limits & Billing Cycle Dates
- Support Devices
- Reselling Service Is Expressly Prohibited
- Device Blacklisting
- Requesting Cancellation
- Termination and Non-Payment Policy
- Suspension
- Requesting Re-activation (not due to termination)
- Appealing Termination
- Requesting a Refund
- Contacting MobileMustHave Wireless &
Products Covered
- All MobileMustHave Wireless Plans (not referral plans, for referral/reseller plans visit Reseller Terms of Service)
The following Terms & Conditions have been published by MobileMustHave Wireless,'s wireless division. These terms must be adhered to in order to prevent termination of service. If you have any questions message our team at [email protected]. These terms may change from time to time if the carriers make changes to plan availability. MobileMustHave will make efforts to provide suitable alternatives if terms change or you may elect to cancel your service at any time. All plans include a 7-day moneyback guarantee. After this period, pro-rated refunds for monthly service are not provided by
Did you know you can track and monitor your usage easily with our Peplink devices and even set limits to avoid suspension? To learn more visit our Data Monitoring & Usage Guide.
Data Reseller Plan - Terms of Service
Data Limits & Billing Cycle Dates
The cellular carrier chooses to enforce fine print "abuse clauses" during peaks of high demand which can result in total account suspension which would result in hundreds of customers being shut off at once. To prevent this MobileMustHave enforces the following usage restrictions. Lines are checked daily and if your line is found to be violating the usage terms below it will be immediately suspended by our data partner.
MobileMustHave Wireless - B300/B300+
- Data Usage Limit for a 30-day period: 300GB
- Data Cycle Reset: 5th of Each Month
MobileMustHave Wireless - P500/P800/P1000
- Data Usage Limit for a 30-day period:
- P500 = 500GB
- P800 = 800GB
- P1000 = 1000GB
- Data Cycle Reset: 1st of Each Month
MobileMustHave Wireless - R300/R300+/R500/R1000
- Data Usage Limit for a 30-day period:
- R300/R300+ = 300GB
- R500 = 500GB
- R1000 = 1000GB
- Data Cycle Reset: 1th of Each Month
Support Devices
At this time we are only accepting Peplink devices with a valid serial number provided. It is not a requirement at this time that the device must be purchased from but we may not be able to provide support on Peplink devices purchased from another vendor.
Reselling Service Is Expressly Prohibited
MobileMustHave does not allow reselling of our cellular data services under any circumstances. If you are suspected of reselling your account will be immediately terminated.
Device Blacklisting
Purchasing 3rd party plans, also known as 'reseller plans' are often the only way for customers to gain access to high GB data plans required for remote work and travel. While these plans are generally stable, you are connecting your device to a plan managed by a third party. does not have direct relationships with any cellular carrier and purchases data plans through data wholesalers who provide access. As such, your device is tied to the larger wholesale account and this does carry certain risks. In recent months we have seen reports of wholesalers who have had shutdowns on the AT&T network devices on these accounts have been added to an internal AT&T blacklist. So far AT&T is the only carrier that has chosen to blacklist modems associated with reseller accounts. AT&T offers little help to customers who wish to resume service directly or through a wholesaler stating the device is stolen when it clearly is not.
While this is rare, it is our duty to our customers to explain the risks associated with using 3rd party reseller plans. cannot accept responsibility if a device is added to a carrier blacklist as this is an inherent risk customers take when engaging in reseller plans from MMH or anyone else. While this occurrence is rare, each customer must decide if this risk is acceptable based on their individual needs and tolerance for risk. ANY plan offered by ANY reseller carries this risk, do not be fooled by marketing claiming otherwise. If your device is blacklisted on the AT&T network, it will continue to function on other cellular networks such as Verizon and T-Mobile. This warning is stated on the listing page prior to purchase and again here in our Wireless Terms of Service and as such does not accept responsibility for any actions taken by the carrier to blacklist a device for any reason including the use of a 3rd party reseller plan.
Requesting Cancellation or Suspension
If you wish to terminate or suspend service, you may do so at any time. Cancelled and suspended plans do not receive a prorated refund so manage the timing on when you send a request carefully to ensure you do not pay for a month where you will not need the service. This means that if you pre-pay for 30 days of service and cancel 1 week into that month you will not get a refund for the remaining 3 weeks.
To avoid this, please plan ahead and manage your cancellation or suspension timeline. We generally say it's best to give yourself a 2-3 day buffer from the last day of your billing cycle to request cancellation. If you are not sure about your billing cycle date visit your account page on to check your subscription renewal date.
If you request cancellation and then would like reactivation in the future, you will be subject to an activation fee.
Consider new line activation delay timelines listed on listing pages when cancelling your account. In periods of high demand reactivating service can take up to 3 business days. More information on reactivation of service is listed below.
Termination and Non-Payment Policy
To maintain an active data plan through, your subscription must be paid for every thirty days. Upon purchase of a data plan, your account will be enrolled in auto-pay, using the credit card that you originally purchased the data plan with.
At times, credit card payments may fail due to expired credit cards, changes in address or for many other reasons. In the event that a credit card payment fails, will reach out via email to alert you to the situation. The email sent out will include instructions on how to fix the failed payment. After the credit card information is updated, the subscription system will try to renew the subscription payment at midnight following the credit card update.
The subscription system will attempt to collect payment for three days after the initial email has been sent. If the payment is still not processed after those three days, the subscription will move to an "expired" status and you will receive another email from After you update your payment method at this step in the process, you will need to click a "renew subscription" button to get the subscription system to put you back in good standing. If payment is not received within 48 hours of this second email, your data line will be terminated.
Once a data line has been terminated in our system, the only way to reestablish data service with would be to repurchase a data plan from our website and pay any activation fees required.
At times, the vendors that uses may suspend lines due to issues such as exceedingly fast data consumption or illegal use of the internet (torrenting, downloading copyrighted material, etc.) In the event that this happens, you may reach out to via email ([email protected]) for steps that must be taken to reinstate service.
Requesting Re-activation (not due to termination)
If your service was terminated by MobileMustHave please follow the Appeal Termination instructions below.
If you wish to reactivate the service from a cancelled status, simply purchase the plan again at to begin the process. You will receive a new sim card and instructions to set up your new plan upon repurchase.
If you wish to reactivate the service from a suspended status (only available for the R series plans) simply email [email protected] requesting reactivation and provide the SIM card number of the Verizon SIM you have on hand. Please note, if you misplace or lose your Verizon SIM you will be responisible for the cost of the replacement SIM and shipping.
Appealing Termination
If you feel your line was terminated without violation of the terms listed here you may email MobileMustHave Wireless at [email protected] to request an appeal. Line reactivations are at the sole discretion of MobileMustHave Wireless and if the cellular provider has determined your line should be suspended it cannot be reactivated under any circumstances, as this is out of our control. If you are terminated and request re-activation, be prepared to provide information and proof you have taken steps to discontinue suspicious activity or put data limits in place on your Pepwave device by following the instructions listed in our Data Monitoring & Usage Guide. If chooses to re-instate your line you will be placed at the back of the activation queue.
Requesting a Refund
MobileMustHave Wireless provides a 7-day, refund on data plans. If you are unhappy for any reason MobileMustHave Wireless will refund your original referral fee less the $9.00 cost of the sim card sent to you and any shipping fees elected at checkout. Refunds will be reviewed and approved by our Customer Service Management Team and provided at our sole discretion. Refunds are typically provided without issue but may be refused if the customer has made multiple plan purchases or has used significant data in the 7-day period indicating a potentially fraudulent request for a refund. If you request a refund your account may be suspended from future purchases of the same plan, this is to prevent vacationers from purchasing plans for a week and requesting refunds (yes it happens). If you are past the 7 day return period you may still cancel your service at any time. See the cancellation section above for details.
Contacting MobileMustHave Wireless &
To contact MobileMustHave Wireless directly email [email protected].
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