Table of Contents

Products Covered

  • Peplink Devices with embedded cellular modems. Screenshots provided are for MAX series devices, balance series devices may have slightly different menu interface. 


Time to Live or ("TTL") as it is commonly referred to refers to the amount of time or "hops" that a packet is set to exist inside a network before being disregarded by a router.  When a packet of information is created and sent out across the Internet, there is a risk that it will continue to pass from router to router indefinitely. To mitigate this possibility, packets are designed with an expiration called a time-to-live or hop limit. In certain situations setting a custom TTL value on your mobile router may improve your internet speeds but typically these changes are not supported by the cellular provider. This article will explain where to set TTL custom settings in Peplink mobile routers. 

Adjusting TTL settings may cause unintended results and/or loss of connectivity to your Pepwave device. You are strongly encouraged to backup your configuration before making any changes and remember custom configurations such as TTL modifications are not supported by under your included support with your modem purchase. 

Setting Custom TTL

Setting custom TTL on your Peplink mobile router is easy. First you must access your Pepwave's administration console. Make sure you are connected to your Peplink via WiFI or an ethernet cable connected to the LAN port of your peplink. Open a web browser and navigate to and login using your set credentials. By default the credentials are username "admin" password "admin" but they must be changed at your first login so use whatever password you set. If you lost your password you can read our article on resetting the password here: Pepwave Soft & Hard Reset Options.

Once logged in your will see the Dashboard page. Click on the Details tab next to the cellular connection you wish to modify the TTL settings for. See below screenshot. 

This will bring up the cellular details sub menu with information on the cellular connection. From here you must scroll down as the page is quite long to the section called "Physical Interface Settings". Here you can modify your TTL settings using the "Enforced TTL" dialog box. See screenshot below. Note the specific settings you wish to enter here are entirely custom to what you are trying to accomplish and not something we are able to provide in this article. 

Once you have entered the TTL setting you wish to enter. scroll down to the bottom of the cellular details page and click "Save and Apply". See screenshot below. 

Rebooting Modem

We recommend then waiting 60 seconds to allow the settings to take and then just for good measure we recommend rebooting the modem to ensure the modem re-registers on the cellular network with the correct settings.

Requesting Assistance

If you feel you are not getting anywhere or there is another issue you can always reach out to our team directly by initiating a ticket here on the support portal or by emailing [email protected]

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