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Education & Action Explained

This article is divided into two main sections, Education & Action. The Action Section refers to content with step-by-step how-to articles on this topic. The Education Section links to related content and deeper dive information from our friends at the Mobile Internet Resource Center. Enjoy and your feedback is always welcome!


Products Covered

The following Peplink devices are compatible with Synergy Mode.

Synergized Device:

  • Balance: All
  • MAX: All
  • MediaFast: All
  • UBR: All
  • X Series: MBX/MBX Mini, PDX

Synergy Controller:

  • Balance: 20X, 30 LTE/Pro, One/Two, 210/310 HW4 or above, 310 5G/Fiber 5G, 310X, 380X, 580X
  • MAX: BR1 Mini HW3, BR1 ENT, BR1 Pro 5G, BR1 Pro HW7, BR2 Pro HW4, Transit, 700 HW3 or above, HD1 Dome/Dome Pro, HD2 Dome, HD2 HW5 or above, HD2 Mini, HD4
  • MediaFast: All
  • UBR: Plus SDX, SDX Pro, PDX, EPX
  • X Series: All
  • B One series: All

Article Summary

This article will explain how to enable Synergy Mode on two or more connected Peplink devices, with a primary device functioning as the "Synergy controller" and one or more secondary "Synergized devices" connected to it. 


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Watch the Instructional Video

We have filmed an instructional video on how to set up Synergy Mode. We recommend watching the video and reading the article.

Step 1: Prepare Your Primary and Secondary Devices

First, you will need to select which device will function as your synergy controller, the primary router that you will use to manage the other connected synergy devices. If you are unsure which of your devices is capable of being used as a synergy controller, you can consult the compatibility list under "Synergy Controller" in the "Products Covered" section above. If you have multiple compatible devices, in almost all cases you will want to select your newest, fastest router with the highest data throughput. Note that your router will need active PrimeCare to function as a synergy controller.

Once you've chosen which device will be your synergy controller, you will need to perform a factory reset of your secondary synergized devices. Before you do this, you should save the secondary device's current configuration, in case you should ever need to restore it later. To do this, navigate to your "System" tab, and then click "Configuration" from the left sidebar. From there, under "Download Active Configuration," click the "Download" button to save your configuration.

Once that's done, you'll need to perform the factory reset itself. The most simple option for this would be to click the "Restore Factory Settings" button shown in the screenshot above. However, for more information and other methods for doing this, you may also follow any of the hard reset options outlined in this article: Peplink Device Soft & Hard Reset Options

Before moving on with setup of synergy mode, make sure that your synergy controller and all synergized devices are using firmware version 8.3 or above, and that they are all on the same firmware version. If you need to update one or more of your devices, you can follow our guide here: Updating Peplink Firmware 

Step 2: Connect Your Devices and Test Your WAN Connection

Now it's time to connect your secondary devices to your primary. To do this, connect an ethernet cable between the LAN port of each secondary synergy device and the WAN port of the device you’ve chosen to be your synergy controller.

After your physical connections are established, you'll want to make sure your synergized device is correctly connecting to your synergy controller's WAN port. On the dashboard of your synergy controller, find the WAN connection that matches the port your synergized device is connected to, and drag this into priority 1. If the connection has been established, it will say that it is connected, but this connection won't show any further information at this stage.


Step 3: Enable Synergy Mode on Selected WAN Connections

After your ethernet connections have been correctly established, you should now enable synergy mode from the admin panel of your synergy controller. To do this, navigate to your "Network" tab, and select "WAN" on your left sidebar. From here, find the "Synergy Controller" section of this page, and click the red pencil-and-paper icon to open its settings.

This will pop up a window with your synergy mode settings. Enable synergy mode on the WAN port or ports that you have connected a secondary router to, and click "Save" to confirm your changes.

Then, click "Apply Changes" in the top right corner of your menu. This will begin the process of enabling Synergy Mode. According to Peplink, this process can take up to 5 minutes.

Once this process has finished and your changes are applied, return to your dashboard. If all of the previous steps have been performed correctly, you will see a new cellular connection labeled with the serial number of your synergized device.

With that, you're done! You can now manage this connection from your synergy controller's dashboard as you would any of its other connections.

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